
What are Affirmations?

Affirmations are special sentences that you repeat regularly to yourself to change your subconscious thoughts.

When you repeat yourself regularly, they replace negative thoughts with positive thoughts and instill confidence and conviction in the positive thoughts.

What are the benefits of Affirmations?

  1. More and better positive thoughts.
  2. Reduced negative thoughts.
  3. Improved health of the heart.

How Affirmations are designed in Warrior Mindset?

I found affirmations working in some cases and not working in some cases.

After studying many, I found those affirmations which are accepting of the present condition and hopeful about the future are working well for the clients.

They found that their mind is offering less resistance while repeating it. They are also able to feel some positive changes after doing regularly for 2 months.

Situation and Affirmations:

You have different affirmations for different situations. The affirmations are carefully compiled to address the situation and provide confidence and motivation.

How to exercise your Affirmations:

  1. Read the entire list and make yourself comfortable.
  2. Now record the affirmations by reading them aloud.
  3. Listen to the record 10 times immediately in the morning.
  4. Listen to the record every 2 or 3 hours.
  5. Listen to the record 10 times before sleeping.
  6. Record daily. Listen only to the latest version.

There are affirmations for the following situations:

  1. To instill a proper mindset for healing.
  2. To prepare the mind to let go of the past.

Affirmations for Healing Mindset

  1. No one else can heal me. Only I can help myself and only I can heal myself.
  2. This situation is temporary and is not a life sentence.
  3. The things I am doing now and how I am doing are the root cause of all my problems.
  4. When I change the things I am doing now, and when I change the way, how I do something, I can change the outcome. It is possible.
  5. Little by little, I am learning to take control of my thoughts, feelings, and actions. It is possible.
  6. I have the power to overcome this situation and I have the power to take control of my life. It is possible.

Affirmations for Letting Go of the Past:

  1. I am allowing all my fears and insecurities about my past bad experiences to get released from me.
  2. All the fears and insecurities of my past bad experiences are getting released from me.
  3. My past experiences have neither permission nor power to control me.
  4. My past experiences cannot decide who I am today or who I am going to become tomorrow. Only I can decide.
  5. I don’t allow worrying. I only focus on the solution.
  6. Only I can correct or heal myself according to my needs. It is possible.
  7. I have all the resources I need. I will take small achievable actions. It is possible.

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